Food sovereignty: a central issue at medfel 2023

Food sovereignty: a central issue at medfel 2023

Consumers are expressing ever clear expectations for food that is healthy for them and virtuous for the environment. In view of the geopolitical context and increasingly pressing climate issues, the players in the sector can no longer ignore economic and ecological problems.

On 26 and 27 April 2023, medFEL will be the opportunity to open the debate! Food sovereignty will be the main topic.

The challenge of food sovereignty

On 1st January 2023, the new Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 came into force. This policy raises the stakes for the development of a more resilient agricultural sector, in line with climate objectives, and viable in terms of the economic dynamism of regions. 45 billion euros will be paid to France over this period.

“Agriculture is more than just a part of our identity and our history, it is also a part of our future, because it is a decisive part of our sovereignty,”

said Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food, in his New Year message to the agricultural world on 16 January. While the health crisis has put agriculture back on the strategic agenda, the war in Ukraine has put the spotlight on the issue of food sovereignty. States and governments must put this issue, particulary given that the consequences of climate variations on agriculture are increasing the uncertainty. And in France, where do we stand? Are we equipped to deal with this situation and meet consumer demands? How can we guarantee our self-dependence, when half of all farmers are set to retire by 2030?

Occitania is working on the transformation of its economic development model, which involves indepth work in favour of food sovereignty. While giving a concrete meaning to the words “short circuits”, “sustainable agriculture”, “responsible consumption”; the Region is committed behind the Sud de France brand and encourages local consumption.

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