On 26 & 27 April 2023, medFEL will offer the opportunity to all sector stakeholders to anticipate market change and will give them the keys to addressing expectations from society.
Between a strained geopolitical context and the growing climate challenges, consumer expectations are evolving. The entire Fruit and Vegetable Industry must adapt, in addition to dealing with economic and ecological issues: food sovereignty will be at the heart of the matter at medFEL 2023 on 26 and 27 April !
“Climate challenge: agri-food sectors in the era of agroecological transition” – 26 April
A sociologist and associate director of research at CEVIPOF-CNRS, Jean Viard is a connoisseur of French society, particularly rural life and agricultural policies. He will give us his view on how French agriculture will contribute to the agroecological transition through a special talk:
“Climate challenge: agri-food sectors in the era of agro-ecological transition”.
“The new challenge is global warming, the fight to win the battle against it. And I am convinced that we are going to win it”, he explained (France Inter, 30 October 2022). Although the observation is now shared by most people, opinions differ on the methods to be used to fight global warming.
This talk will be hosted by journalist Olivier Masbou.
“Food sovereignty: how to better feed the world tomorrow?” – 27 April
Jean-Marie Séronie is an agricultural engineer and chartered accountant and a member of the French Academy of Agriculture. He is currently in charge of the agricultural economics and policies section. He is also the author of “2041, l’odyssée paysanne pour la santé de l’Homme et de la planète”. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has put the issue of food sovereignty back at the heart of the concerns of States and governments. This is particularly true in Europe, where the issue was overlooked. The consequences of climatic variations on agriculture are adding to the uncertainty. Is French agriculture well equipped to face this situation?
This talk will be hosted by journalist Olivier Masbou.
Naturally, medFEL will be the venue for the announcement. of European summer fruit harvest forecasts, with, live at the show, melon figures on 26 April and forecasts for apricots on 27 April, bringing enlightened answers to the questions of market players, both during the show and online as part of “Les Mardis de medFEL.
Discover the programme of conferences and features of medFEL 2022 !